We talk to each infant – babies who are talked to in meaningful, responsive ways have a larger vocabulary at age two than babies who have had only minimal verbal stimulation. We describe what the baby is doing and looking at as we encourage her to use her senses to explore the world around her. The more she does the more she has to communicate about.
We read to each infant – infants who are read to learn to read more easily than infants who have not been exposed to books. Reading books is another way of talking to the infant, allows infants to focus, and by snuggling, gain the feeling that reading is a pleasant thing to do.
We provide hands-on experiences for each infant – very few button-pressing, noise making toys are available in the Princeton University room. Players have been found to have bigger brains than the watchers. Our educators use exploration toys to solidify brain structure.
We ensure each infant is physically active – we do not keep babies in restrictive devices, allowing them to be free to use their muscles in order to learn and develop in optimal ways.
We take our infants outside to experience, explore, and engage in learning activities in the great outdoors.
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